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The VG6 FMCW radar uses a high frequency (26 GHz) signal which increases in frequency during the measurement. The emitted signal is reflected back from the product surface and received after a time delay. Further signal processing of the difference between transmit and receive frequencies is carried out and the difference is directly proportional to the level.


The VG6 FMCW Radar has been designed specifically for applications on solid product including powders, granules, flakes and pellets. This design has two unique features which differentiate it from many other radar designs. Firstly, it has a unique patented design ‘drop’ shape antenna. This is available in either Polyproylene or PTFE. This new antenna shape makes it difficult for product to build up on the antenna front face and still continues to work even when heavily coated with product. The VG6 is especially suited for long range, dusty solids applications such as powdered cement.


The additional benefit of the antenna on dusty solids is that you do not require a constant air purge for cleaning the antenna. This provides significant cost savings over the life of the instrument especially compared to many competitive radar products which require this. An additional feature of the drop antenna is that it also reduces the measuring beam angle for smaller diameter silos.


The VG6 radar also incorporates new updated software which has been designed to be more user friendly when programming for solids applications as it caters for all the different fill dynamics of a silo containing solids.


Suitable for dusty long range solids

High temperature option 200°C

FMCW advanced radar with SIL1

Vessel mapping for difficult shaped bins

Profibus/Foundation Fieldbus options

No air purge cleaning required

Corrosion & chemical resistant

2wire loop powered 24 VDC

Immune to pressure, foam, temperature variations


Measuring Range: 0 - 60m

Accuracy: 0.25%

Maximum Temperature: 90ºC

ATEX option: Yes

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